Eating healthy isn’t always easy. For someone like me who has a stomach disorder, knowing exactly what you're putting in your body is extremely important. Even more important is knowing where that food is coming from. But in the age of “big business” how are we supposed to keep track of all those big-name companies that produce what we eat?
Well, look no farther than Monsanto. This mega-corporation owns almost every producer of fruit, meat, and veggies in the United States. And worse, they've been fighting for complete control over what ingredients to list, how to break down nutrition information, and whether or not to disclose where each product had been developed on their packaging.
Knowing that, I decided to create a campaign for an event called March Against Monsanto; an annual meet-up where consumers from all over gather to protest the tycoon's absolute power. My mission: to inform the public that what they think they're buying might not really be what they get.
We might not WANT to know what’s in those hot dogs, but we SHOULD be able to find out!